calculand - Specific enzyme activity
Unit converter
Quantity converter
Numeral systems
Calculate primes
Convert WARP
Volume formulas
Area formulas
Length formulas
Energy formulas
Force formulas
Pressure formulas
Power formulas
Velocity formulas
Heat formulas
Light formulas
Exponents, roots
Circular functions
Elements and materials
Formula collection
Unit list
Quantity list
Numeral systems list
A - D
E - K
L - N
P - S
T - W
Catalytic activity divided by Mass
Catalytic volume activity divided by Density
Molality divided by Time
Turnover number divided by Molar mass
Particle density
Particle flux
Particle spectrum
Power density
Power gradient
Pressure gradient
Quadrupole moment
Radiant exposure
Radiant intensity
Reduced field strength
Relative density
Residence time
Rotational inertia
Solid angle
Space velocity
Specific activity
Specific angular momentum
Specific area
Specific discharge
Specific energy
Specific enzyme activity
Specific heat capacity
Specific length
Specific momentum
Specific power
Specific rotation
Specific volume
Specific weight
Spectral efficiency
Spectral energy
Spectral exposure
Spectral intensity
Spectral irradiance
Spectral power
Spectral radiance
Spectral responsivity
Surface activity
Surface charge density
Surface concentration
Surface tension
Convert quantities - from Molality and Time to Specific enzyme activity
from ...
amol/kg - Attomole per kilogram
cmol/kg - Centimole per kilogram
damol/kg - Decamole per kilogram
dmol/kg - Decimole per kilogram
E/g - Einstein per gram
E/kg - Einstein per kilogram
E/oz. - Einstein per ounce
E/lb - Einstein per pound
Emol/kg - Examole per kilogram
fmol/kg - Femtomole per kilogram
Gmol/kg - Gigamole per kilogram
hmol/kg - Hectomole per kilogram
kmol/kg - Kilomole per kilogram
Mmol/kg - Megamole per kilogram
µmol/kg - Micromole per kilogram
mmol/kg - Millimole per kilogram
mol/mₑ - Mole per electron mass
mol/g - Mole per gram
mol/kg - Mole per kilogram
mol/oz. - Mole per ounce
mol/lb - Mole per pound
nmol/kg - Nanomole per kilogram
N(A)/mₑ - Particle number per electron mass
N(A)/g - Particle number per gram
N(A)/kg - Particle number per kilogram
Pmol/kg - Petamole per kilogram
pmol/kg - Picomole per kilogram
lbmol/g - Pound-mole per gram
lbmol/kg - Pound-mole per kilogram
lbmol/oz. - Pound-mole per ounce
lbmol/lb - Pound-mole per pound
Tmol/kg - Teramole per kilogram
ymol/kg - Yoctomole per kilogram
Ymol/kg - Yottamole per kilogram
zmol/kg - Zeptomole per kilogram
Zmol/kg - Zettamole per kilogram
and ...
at - At-Re, At
as - Attosecond
baktun - Baktun
bell - Bell
d(brahma) - Brahma day
y(brahma), a(brahma) - Brahma year
cs - Centisecond
danna - Danna
d - Day
das - Decasecond
d dec. - Decimal day
h dec. - Decimal hour
min dec. - Decimal minute
s dec. - Decimal second
ds - Decisecond
dvāpara-yuga - Dvāpara yuga, द्वापर युग
Es - Exasecond
fs - Femtosecond
flick - Flick
fortnight - Fortnight
Ga, Gy - Gigaannum, Gigannum
Gs - Gigasecond
hs - Hectosecond
h - Hour
a(jul), y(jul) - Julian year
kali-yuga - Kali yuga, कलि युग
kalpa - Kalpa, कल्प
katun - Katun
ke - Ke (刻)
ka, my - Kiloannum, Millennium
ks - Kilosecond
krta-yuga - Krta yuga, कृत युग
l-ft - Light-foot
lustrum - Lustrum
maha kalpa - Maha kalpa, मह कल्प
maha-yuga - Maha yuga, मह युग
Ma, My - Megaannum, Megannum
Ms - Megasecond
µs - Microsecond
ms - Millisecond
min - Minute
moment - Moment
ns - Nanosecond
nychthemeron - Nychthemeron, νυχθήμερον
olympiad - Olympiad, Ὀλυμπιάς
ounce - Ounce
pahar - Pahar, पहर, پہر
Ps - Petasecond
ps - Picosecond
t(P) - Planck time
qa - Quinquennat
satya-yuga - Satya yuga, सत्य युग
t(S) - Schrödinger time
scrup - Scrupel, Scrupulum
s, sec. - Second
sennight - Sennight
shake - Shake
shichen - Shichen (时辰)
t(St) - Stoney time
svedberg - Svedberg
Ts - Terasecond
t, ´´´ - Tertia
tertial - Tertial, Quadrimester
trecena - Trecena
tretā-yuga - Tretā yuga, त्रेता युग
tun - Tun
uinal - Uinal
UŠ - UŠ, Usch
watch - Watch
y, a - Year
ys - Yoctosecond
Ys - Yottasecond
zs - Zeptosecond
Zs - Zettasecond
to ...
akat/kg - Attokatal per kilogram
ckat/kg - Centikatal per kilogram
dakat/kg - Decakatal per kilogram
dkat/kg - Decikatal per kilogram
E/kg s - Einstein per kilogram second
U/g - Enzyme unit per gram
U/kg - Enzyme unit per kilogram
U/µg - Enzyme unit per microgram
U/mg - Enzyme unit per milligram
U/oz. - Enzyme unit per ounce
U/lb - Enzyme unit per pound
Ekat/kg - Exakatal per kilogram
fkat/kg - Femtokatal per kilogram
Gkat/kg - Gigakatal per kilogram
hkat/kg - Hectokatal per kilogram
kat/g - Katal per gram
kat/kg - Katal per kilogram
kat/µg - Katal per microgram
kat/mg - Katal per milligram
kat/oz. - Katal per ounce
kat/lb - Katal per pound
kkat/kg - Kilokatal per kilogram
Mkat/kg - Megakatal per kilogram
µkat/kg - Microkatal per kilogram
mkat/kg - Millikatal per kilogram
mol/kg d - Mole per kilogram day
mol/kg h - Mole per kilogram hour
mol/kg min - Mole per kilogram minute
mol/kg s - Mole per kilogram second
nkat/kg - Nanokatal per kilogram
N(A)/kg s - Particle number per kilogram second
Pkat/kg - Petakatal per kilogram
pkat/kg - Picokatal per kilogram
lbmol/kg s - Pound-mole per kilogram second
lbmol/oz. s - Pound-mole per ounce second
lbmol/lb s - Pound-mole per pound second
Tkat/kg - Terakatal per kilogram
ykat/kg - Yoctokatal per kilogram
Ykat/kg - Yottakatal per kilogram
zkat/kg - Zeptokatal per kilogram
Zkat/kg - Zettakatal per kilogram
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