calculand - Energy formulas
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Volume formulas
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Energy formulas
Force formulas
Pressure formulas
Power formulas
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Heat formulas
Light formulas
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Acceleration energy
Displacement energy
Electric energy
Energy (work)
Fermi energy
Field energy
Gravitational binding energy
Hartree energy
Hydraulic energy
Kinetic energy
Magnetic energy
Photon energy
Planck energy
Potential energy
Relativistic energy
Rest mass energy
Rotational energy
Rydberg energy
Spring energy
Stokes shift
Thermal energy
Zero-point energy
Field energy -
= ½ · Q² · C
abC - Abcoulomb
Ah - Ampere hour
Amin - Ampere minute
As - Ampere second
aC - Attocoulomb
Bis - Biot second
B/m² - Buckingham per square metre
B/Ų - Buckingham per square ångstrøm
cAh - Centiampere hour
cC - Centicoulomb
C - Coulomb
D/ft - Debye per foot
D/in - Debye per inch
D/m - Debye per metre
D/Å - Debye per ångstrøm
daC - Decacoulomb
dAh - Deciampere hour
dC - Decicoulomb
qₑ - Electron charge
e - Elementary charge
EC - Exacoulomb
faraday - Faraday
fC - Femtocoulomb
Fr - Franklin
GC - Gigacoulomb
hC - Hectocoulomb
J/V - Joule per volt
kC - Kilocoulomb
kWh/V - Kilowatt hour per volt
Mx/Ω - Maxwell per ohm
MC - Megacoulomb
µC - Microcoulomb
mAh - Milliampere hour
mC - Millicoulomb
nC - Nanocoulomb
Nm/V - Newton metre per volt
PC - Petacoulomb
pC - Picocoulomb
q(P) - Planck charge
statC - Statcoulomb
TC - Teracoulomb
VF - Volt farad
Vs/Ω - Volt second per ohm
Wh/V - Watt hour per volt
Ws/V - Watt second per volt
Wb/Ω - Weber per ohm
yC - Yoctocoulomb
YC - Yottacoulomb
zC - Zeptocoulomb
ZC - Zettacoulomb
abF - Abfarad
As/V - Ampere second per volt
A² s⁴/kg m² - Ampere squared quartic second per kilogram square metre
aF - Attofarad
B/Vm² - Buckingham per volt square metre
cF - Centifarad
cm - Centimetre
C/V - Coulomb per volt
C²/J - Coulomb squared per joule
D/Vm - Debye per volt metre
daF - Decafarad
dF - Decifarad
εₒ/R(∞) - Electric constant per rydberg constant
e/V - Elementary charge per volt
EF - Exafarad
F - Farad
fF - Femtofarad
Fr/V - Franklin per volt
GF - Gigafarad
hF - Hectofarad
h/Ω - Hour per ohm
jar - Jar
kF - Kilofarad
MF - Megafarad
Ʊs - Mho second
µF - Microfarad
mF - Millifarad
min/Ω - Minute per ohm
nF - Nanofarad
PF - Petafarad
pF - Picofarad
s/Ω - Second per ohm
s²/H - Second squared per henry
Sh - Siemens hour
Smin - Siemens minute
S/Hz - Siemens per hertz
Ss, S sec. - Siemens second
statF - Statfarad
TF - Terafarad
yF - Yoctofarad
YF - Yottafarad
zF - Zeptofarad
ZF - Zettafarad
aJ - Attojoule
B - Bethe
BTU, btu - British thermal unit
cal - Calorie
cJ - Centijoule
cpm - Centipond metre
CMO - Cubic mile of oil
daJ - Decajoule
dJ - Decijoule
dpm - Decipond metre
ħ/s - Dirac constant per second
dynm - Dyne metre
mₑ c² - Electron mass speed of light squared
eV - Electronvolt
erg - Erg
EeV - Exaelectronvolt
EJ - Exajoule
fJ - Femtojoule
foe - Foe
fr - Frigorie
GeV - Gigaelectronvolt
GJ - Gigajoule
Gt(TNT) - Gigatonne of TNT
GWy - Gigawatt year
g(TNT) - Gram of TNT
E(H) - Hartree energy
hJ - Hectojoule
J - Joule
K - Kelvin (Temperature)
kcal - Kilocalorie
keV - Kiloelectronvolt
kg ce - Kilogram coal equivalent
kg(TNT) - Kilogram of TNT
kg c² - Kilogram speed of light squared
kg m²/s² - Kilogram square metre per second squared
kJ - Kilojoule
kpm - Kilopond metre
kt(TNT) - Kilotonne of TNT
kWh - Kilowatt hour
MeV - Megaelectronvolt
MJ - Megajoule
Mt(TNT) - Megatonne of TNT
MWd - Megawatt day
mkp - Metre kilopond
mt - Metreton (Metertonne)
µJ - Microjoule
meV - Millielectronvolt
mJ - Millijoule
mpm - Millipond metre
nJ - Nanojoule
Nm - Newton metre
oe - Oil equivalent (kilogram of oil equivalent)
Pa m³ - Pascal cubic metre
PeV - Petaelectronvolt
PJ - Petajoule
pJ - Picojoule
h/s - Planck constant per second
E(P) - Planck energy
pm - Pond metre
lb ft²/s² - Pound square foot per second squared
lb in²/s² - Pound square inch per second squared
lb(f)ft, lbft - Pound-force-foot (Pound-foot, Foot-pound)
lb(f)in - Pound-force-inch
prout - Prout
quad - Quad
Ry, hcR - Rydberg energy
E₀ m² s - Solar constant square metre second
TeV - Teraelectronvolt
TJ - Terajoule
therm - Therm
th - Thermia
t ce - Tonne coal equivalent
t(TNT) - Tonne of TNT
toe - Tonne of oil equivalent
VAh - Volt ampere hour
VAmin - Volt ampere minute
VAs - Volt ampere second
VC - Volt coulomb
V² s/Ω - Volt squared second per ohm
Wh - Watt hour
Wmin - Watt minute
W/Hz - Watt per hertz
Ws - Watt second
yJ - Yoctojoule
YeV - Yottaelectronvolt
YJ - Yottajoule
zJ - Zeptojoule
ZeV - Zettaelectronvolt
ZJ - Zettajoule
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