calculand - Quadrupole moment
Unit converter
Quantity converter
Numeral systems
Calculate primes
Convert WARP
Volume formulas
Area formulas
Length formulas
Energy formulas
Force formulas
Pressure formulas
Power formulas
Velocity formulas
Heat formulas
Light formulas
Exponents, roots
Circular functions
Elements and materials
Formula collection
Unit list
Quantity list
Numeral systems list
A - D
E - K
L - N
P - S
T - W
Action divided by Flux density
Charge multiplied by Area
Electric moment multiplied by Length
Flywheel moment divided by Field strength
Magnetic moment divided by Frequency
Magnetomotance divided by Particle flux
Mobility multiplied by Action
Polarizability divided by Spectral responsivity
Time multiplied by Magnetic moment
Voltage multiplied by Polarizability
Particle density
Particle flux
Particle spectrum
Power density
Power gradient
Pressure gradient
Quadrupole moment
Radiant exposure
Radiant intensity
Reduced field strength
Relative density
Residence time
Rotational inertia
Solid angle
Space velocity
Specific activity
Specific angular momentum
Specific area
Specific discharge
Specific energy
Specific enzyme activity
Specific heat capacity
Specific length
Specific momentum
Specific power
Specific rotation
Specific volume
Specific weight
Spectral efficiency
Spectral energy
Spectral exposure
Spectral intensity
Spectral irradiance
Spectral power
Spectral radiance
Spectral responsivity
Surface activity
Surface charge density
Surface concentration
Surface tension
Convert quantities - from Action and Flux density to Quadrupole moment
from ...
aJs - Attojoule second
cals - Calorie second
cJs - Centijoule second
daJs - Decajoule second
dJs - Decijoule second
ħ, h/2π - Dirac constant
dynms - Dynemetre second
eVs - Electronvolt second
ergs - Erg second
EeVs - Exaelectronvolt second
EJs - Exajoule second
fJs - Femtojoule second
GeVs - Gigaelectronvolt second
GJs - Gigajoule second
hJs - Hectojoule second
Jh - Joule hour
Jmin - Joule minute
Js - Joule second
kcals - Kilocalorie second
keVs - Kiloelectronvolt second
kg m²/s - Kilogram square metre per second
kJs - Kilojoule second
kpms - Kilopond metre second
MeVs - Megaelectronvolt second
MJs - Megajoule second
mkps - Metre kilopond second
µJs - Microjoule second
mJs - Millijoule second
nJs - Nanojoule second
Nms - Newton metre second
PeVs - Petaelectronvolt second
PJs - Petajoule second
pJs - Picojoule second
planck - Planck
h - Planck constant
pms - Pond metre second
TeVs - Teraelectronvolt second
TJs - Terajoule second
VAs² - Volt ampere second squared
Ws² - Watt second squared
yJs - Yoctojoule second
YeVs - Yottaelectronvolt second
YJs - Yottajoule second
zJs - Zeptojoule second
ZeVs - Zettaelectronvolt second
ZJs - Zettajoule second
and ...
aT - Attotesla
cGs - Centigauss
cT - Centitesla
daGs - Decagauss
daT - Decatesla
dGs - Decigauss
dT - Decitesla
ET - Exatesla
fT - Femtotesla
γ - Gamma
Gs - Gauss
GT - Gigatesla
hGs - Hectogauss
hT - Hectotesla
kGs - Kilogauss
kg/A s² - Kilogram per ampere second squared
kT - Kilotesla
Φₒ/ft², Φₒ/sq. ft. - Magnetic flux quantum per square foot
Φₒ/m² - Magnetic flux quantum per square metre
Φₒ/σₜ - Magnetic flux quantum per thomson cross section
Mx/m² - Maxwell per square metre
MGs - Megagauss
MT - Megatesla
µT - Microtesla
mGs - Milligauss
mT - Millitesla
nT - Nanotesla
N/Am - Newton per ampere metre
PT - Petatesla
pT - Picotesla
B(P) - Planck flux density (Planck magnetic (B-)field)
lb/A s² - Pound per ampere second squared
statT - Stattesla
TT - Teratesla
T - Tesla
Vs/m² - Volt second per square metre
Wb/m² - Weber per square metre
yT - Yoctotesla
YT - Yottatesla
zT - Zeptotesla
ZT - Zettatesla
to ...
abCcm² - Abcoulomb square centimetre
abCm² - Abcoulomb square metre
As in², As sq. in. - Ampere second square inch
As m² - Ampere second square metre
aCm² - Attocoulomb square metre
B - Buckingham
cCm² - Centicoulomb square metre
C A(P) - Coulomb planck area
Ccm² - Coulomb square centimetre
C ft², C sq. ft. - Coulomb square foot
C in², C sq. in. - Coulomb square inch
Ckm² - Coulomb square kilometre
Cm² - Coulomb square metre
C mi², C sq. mi. - Coulomb square mile
Cmm² - Coulomb square millimetre
CŲ - Coulomb square ångstrøm
Dm - Debye metre
DÅ - Debye ångstrøm
daCm² - Decacoulomb square metre
dCm² - Decicoulomb square metre
ħ/T - Dirac constant per tesla
e m² - Elementary charge square metre
ECm² - Exacoulomb square metre
fCm² - Femtocoulomb square metre
Frcm² - Franklin square centimetre
Fr ft², Fr sq. ft. - Franklin square foot
Fr in², Fr sq. in. - Franklin square inch
Frm² - Franklin square metre
Fr mi², Fr sq. mi. - Franklin square mile
GCm² - Gigacoulomb square metre
hCm² - Hectocoulomb square metre
Js/γ - Joule second per gamma
Js/Gs - Joule second per gauss
Js/T - Joule second per tesla
Jm²/V - Joule square metre per volt
kCm² - Kilocoulomb square metre
MCm² - Megacoulomb square metre
µCm² - Microcoulomb square metre
mCm² - Millicoulomb square metre
nCm² - Nanocoulomb square metre
PCm² - Petacoulomb square metre
pCm² - Picocoulomb square metre
q(P) m² - Planck charge square metre
h/T - Planck constant per tesla
statCcm² - Statcoulomb square centimetre
statCm² - Statcoulomb square metre
TCm² - Teracoulomb square metre
yCm² - Yoctocoulomb square metre
YCm² - Yottacoulomb square metre
zCm² - Zeptocoulomb square metre
ZCm² - Zettacoulomb square metre
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