calculand - Permittivity
Unit converter
Quantity converter
Numeral systems
Calculate primes
Convert WARP
Volume formulas
Area formulas
Length formulas
Energy formulas
Force formulas
Pressure formulas
Power formulas
Velocity formulas
Heat formulas
Light formulas
Exponents, roots
Circular functions
Elements and materials
Formula collection
Unit list
Quantity list
Numeral systems list
A - D
E - K
L - N
P - S
T - W
Capacitance divided by Length
Charge divided by Electric flux
Conductance divided by Velocity
Conductivity multiplied by Time
Linear charge density divided by Voltage
Time divided by Resistivity
Wave number divided by Elastance
Wave number multiplied by Capacitance
Particle density
Particle flux
Particle spectrum
Power density
Power gradient
Pressure gradient
Quadrupole moment
Radiant exposure
Radiant intensity
Reduced field strength
Relative density
Residence time
Rotational inertia
Solid angle
Space velocity
Specific activity
Specific angular momentum
Specific area
Specific discharge
Specific energy
Specific enzyme activity
Specific heat capacity
Specific length
Specific momentum
Specific power
Specific rotation
Specific volume
Specific weight
Spectral efficiency
Spectral energy
Spectral exposure
Spectral intensity
Spectral irradiance
Spectral power
Spectral radiance
Spectral responsivity
Surface activity
Surface charge density
Surface concentration
Surface tension
Convert quantities - from Capacitance and Length to Permittivity
from ...
abF - Abfarad
As/V - Ampere second per volt
A² s⁴/kg m² - Ampere squared quartic second per kilogram square metre
aF - Attofarad
B/Vm² - Buckingham per volt square metre
cF - Centifarad
cm - Centimetre
C/V - Coulomb per volt
C²/J - Coulomb squared per joule
D/Vm - Debye per volt metre
daF - Decafarad
dF - Decifarad
εₒ/R(∞) - Electric constant per rydberg constant
e/V - Elementary charge per volt
EF - Exafarad
F - Farad
fF - Femtofarad
Fr/V - Franklin per volt
GF - Gigafarad
hF - Hectofarad
h/Ω - Hour per ohm
jar - Jar
kF - Kilofarad
MF - Megafarad
Ʊs - Mho second
µF - Microfarad
mF - Millifarad
min/Ω - Minute per ohm
nF - Nanofarad
PF - Petafarad
pF - Picofarad
s/Ω - Second per ohm
s²/H - Second squared per henry
Sh - Siemens hour
Smin - Siemens minute
S/Hz - Siemens per hertz
Ss, S sec. - Siemens second
statF - Statfarad
TF - Terafarad
yF - Yoctofarad
YF - Yottafarad
zF - Zeptofarad
ZF - Zettafarad
and ...
r α tauri - Aldebaran radius
r α cen A - Alpha Centauri A radius
r α cen B - Alpha Centauri B radius
arshin - Arshin (арши́н)
AU, UA - Astronomical unit
am - Attometre
M - Basic module
r α ori - Betelgeuse radius
aₒ - Bohr radius
bu - Bu (分, japan.)
bu - Bu (步, chin.)
cbl. - Cable
cal. - Calibre
cm - Centimetre
r ⚳ - Ceres radius
ch. - Chain
CH, Fr. - Charrière (French)
chi - Chi (市尺)
cho - Chō (町)
cubitus - Cubitus, Roman cubit
cun - Cun (市寸)
dam - Decametre
dm - Decimetre
gradus - Degreeus, Roman step
digitus - Digitus, Roman finger
diuim - Diuim (дюйм)
r ⊕, r ♁ - Earth radius
rₑ - Electron radius
Em - Exametre
ftm - Fathom (nautical)
fm - Femtometre (Fermi)
fen - Fen (市分)
ft - Foot
fur - Furlong
fut - Fut (фут)
Gly - Gigalightyear
Gm - Gigametre
Gpc - Gigaparsec
hank cotton - Hank cotton
hao - Hao (毫)
hm - Hectometre
himetric - Himetric
hu - Hu (忽)
in - Inch
r ♃ - Jupiter radius
jo - Jō (丈)
ken - Ken (間)
kly - Kilolightyear
km - Kilometre
kpc - Kiloparsec
lea cotton - Lea cotton
lea hemp - Lea hemp
lea., l. - League
li, 10 hao - Li (市厘)
li - Li (市里, 15 yin)
Ld - Lightday
Lh - Lighthour
Lm - Lightminute
Ls - Lightsecond
ly - Lightyear
ln. - Line
liniya - Liniya (линия)
li. - Link
r ♂ - Mars radius
Mly - Megalightyear
Mm - Megametre
Mpc - Megaparsec
r ☿ - Mercury radius
m - Metre
3 M - Metric foot (basic module)
¼ M - Metric inch (basic module)
mickey - Mickey
µm - Micrometre (Micron)
mi - Mile
milia - Milia (ми́ля)
mil, thou - Milli-inch (Millesimus, Thousands of an inch)
milliarium - Milliarium, Roman mile
mm - Millimetre
r ☾ - Moon radius
mam - Myriametre
mo - Mō (毫)
nm - Nanometre
nm, sm - Nautical mile (Seamile)
r ♆ - Neptune radius
palmus - Palmus, Roman palm
pc - Parsec (Parallax second)
passus - Passus, Roman double step
pes - Pes, Roman foot
Pm - Petametre
piad - Piad (пядь)
pc. - Pica
pm - Picometre
l(P) - Planck length
r ♇ - Pluto radius
p - Point
ri - Ri (里)
rin - Rin (厘)
rd. - Rod (Perch)
sashen - Sashen (сажень)
r ♄ - Saturn radius
l(S) - Schrödinger length
sh. - Shackle
shaku - Shaku (尺)
si - Si (丝)
SU - Siegbahn unit
skein cotton - Skein cotton
r ☉ - Solar radius
spindle scotch - Spindle Scotch
spindle cotton - Spindle cotton
spindle hemp - Spindle hemp
stadium - Stadium, Roman stadium
p.p. - Stitch
l(St) - Stoney length
stopa - Stopa (стопа)
strehn cotton - Strehn cotton
sun - Sun (寸)
tchetvert - Tchetvert (четверть)
Tly - Teralightyear
Tm - Terametre
Tpc - Teraparsec
thread cotton - Thread cotton
thread hemp - Thread hemp
totchka - Totchka (то́чка)
twip - Twip
r ⛢ - Uranus radius
r ♀ - Venus radius
vershok - Vershok (вершок)
verst - Verst (верста́)
XU - X-unit
yd - Yard
yin - Yin (引)
ym - Yoctometre
Ym - Yottametre
zm - Zeptometre
Zm - Zettametre
zhang - Zhang (市丈)
Å - Ångstrøm
to ...
Ah/Vm - Ampere hour per volt metre
Amin/Vm - Ampere minute per volt metre
As/Vm - Ampere second per volt metre
A² s⁴/kg m³ - Ampere squared quartic second per kilogram cubic metre
aF/m - Attofarad per metre
cF/m - Centifarad per metre
C/Vm - Coulomb per volt metre
daF/m - Decafarad per metre
dF/m - Decifarad per metre
εₒ - Electric constant (Vacuum permittivity)
e/Vm - Elementary charge per volt metre
EF/m - Exafarad per metre
F/cm - Farad per centimetre
F/dm - Farad per decimetre
F/ft - Farad per foot
F/in - Farad per inch
F/km - Farad per kilometre
F/m - Farad per metre
F/mm - Farad per millimetre
fF/m - Femtofarad per metre
GF/m - Gigafarad per metre
hF/m - Hectofarad per metre
kF/m - Kilofarad per metre
MF/m - Megafarad per metre
Ʊs/m - Mho second per metre
µF/m - Microfarad per metre
mF/m - Millifarad per metre
nF/cm - Nanofarad per centimetre
nF/km - Nanofarad per kilometre
nF/m - Nanofarad per metre
PF/m - Petafarad per metre
pF/cm - Picofarad per centimetre
pF/km - Picofarad per kilometre
pF/m - Picofarad per metre
s/Ωm - Second per ohm metre
Ss/m - Siemens second per metre
TF/m - Terafarad per metre
yF/m - Yoctofarad per metre
YF/m - Yottafarad per metre
zF/m - Zeptofarad per metre
ZF/m - Zettafarad per metre
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