calculand - Molar charge
Unit converter
Quantity converter
Numeral systems
Calculate primes
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Volume formulas
Area formulas
Length formulas
Energy formulas
Force formulas
Pressure formulas
Power formulas
Velocity formulas
Heat formulas
Light formulas
Exponents, roots
Circular functions
Elements and materials
Formula collection
Unit list
Quantity list
Numeral systems list
A - D
E - K
L - N
P - S
T - W
Length fraction
Linear charge density
Linear density
Loop resistance
Luminous efficacy
Luminous energy
Luminous flux
Luminous intensity
Magnetic field
Magnetic flux
Magnetic moment
Magnetic rigidity
Mass flow
Mass fraction
Mass power ratio
Mechanical impedance
Mechanical mobility
Molar charge
Molar concentration
Molar conductivity
Molar enthalpy
Molar flux
Molar fraction
Molar heat capacity
Molar mass
Molar volume
Momentum density
Noise spectral density
Noise-equivalent power
Coulomb per particle number [C/N(A)]
from ...
Ah/mol - Ampere hour per mole
Amin/mol - Ampere minute per mole
As/mol - Ampere second per mole
aC/mol - Attocoulomb per mole
cC/mol - Centicoulomb per mole
C/E - Coulomb per einstein
C/kmol - Coulomb per kilomole
C/mmol - Coulomb per millimole
C/mol - Coulomb per mole
C/N(A) - Coulomb per particle number
daC/mol - Decacoulomb per mole
dC/mol - Decicoulomb per mole
e/mol - Elementary charge per mole
e/N(A) - Elementary charge per particle number
EC/mol - Exacoulomb per mole
k(F), F - Faraday constant
fC/mol - Femtocoulomb per mole
Fr/mol - Franklin per mole
GC/mol - Gigacoulomb per mole
hC/mol - Hectocoulomb per mole
J/mol V - Joule per mole volt
kC/mol - Kilocoulomb per mole
MC/mol - Megacoulomb per mole
µC/mol - Microcoulomb per mole
mC/mol - Millicoulomb per mole
nC/mol - Nanocoulomb per mole
PC/mol - Petacoulomb per mole
pC/mol - Picocoulomb per mole
q(P)/mol - Planck charge per mole
q(P)/N(A) - Planck charge per particle number
TC/mol - Teracoulomb per mole
yC/mol - Yoctocoulomb per mole
YC/mol - Yottacoulomb per mole
zC/mol - Zeptocoulomb per mole
ZC/mol - Zettacoulomb per mole
to ...
Ah/mol - Ampere hour per mole
Amin/mol - Ampere minute per mole
As/mol - Ampere second per mole
aC/mol - Attocoulomb per mole
cC/mol - Centicoulomb per mole
C/E - Coulomb per einstein
C/kmol - Coulomb per kilomole
C/mmol - Coulomb per millimole
C/mol - Coulomb per mole
C/N(A) - Coulomb per particle number
daC/mol - Decacoulomb per mole
dC/mol - Decicoulomb per mole
e/mol - Elementary charge per mole
e/N(A) - Elementary charge per particle number
EC/mol - Exacoulomb per mole
k(F), F - Faraday constant
fC/mol - Femtocoulomb per mole
Fr/mol - Franklin per mole
GC/mol - Gigacoulomb per mole
hC/mol - Hectocoulomb per mole
J/mol V - Joule per mole volt
kC/mol - Kilocoulomb per mole
MC/mol - Megacoulomb per mole
µC/mol - Microcoulomb per mole
mC/mol - Millicoulomb per mole
nC/mol - Nanocoulomb per mole
PC/mol - Petacoulomb per mole
pC/mol - Picocoulomb per mole
q(P)/mol - Planck charge per mole
q(P)/N(A) - Planck charge per particle number
TC/mol - Teracoulomb per mole
yC/mol - Yoctocoulomb per mole
YC/mol - Yottacoulomb per mole
zC/mol - Zeptocoulomb per mole
ZC/mol - Zettacoulomb per mole
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