calculand - Magnetomotance
Unit converter
Quantity converter
Numeral systems
Calculate primes
Convert WARP
Volume formulas
Area formulas
Length formulas
Energy formulas
Force formulas
Pressure formulas
Power formulas
Velocity formulas
Heat formulas
Light formulas
Exponents, roots
Circular functions
Elements and materials
Formula collection
Unit list
Quantity list
Numeral systems list
A - D
E - K
L - N
P - S
T - W
Length fraction
Linear charge density
Linear density
Loop resistance
Luminous efficacy
Luminous energy
Luminous flux
Luminous intensity
Magnetic field
Magnetic flux
Magnetic moment
Magnetic rigidity
Mass flow
Mass fraction
Mass power ratio
Mechanical impedance
Mechanical mobility
Molar charge
Molar concentration
Molar conductivity
Molar enthalpy
Molar flux
Molar fraction
Molar heat capacity
Molar mass
Molar volume
Momentum density
Noise spectral density
Noise-equivalent power
Picoampere [pA]
from ...
abA - Abampere
A - Ampere
AT - Ampere turn
aA - Attoampere
aGi - Attogilbert
Bi - Biot
cA - Centiampere
cGi - Centigilbert
daA - Decaampere
daGi - Decagilbert
dA - Deciampere
dGi - Decigilbert
eV/Φₒ - Electronvolt per magnetic flux quantum
eV/Mx - Electronvolt per maxwell
EA - Exaampere
EGi - Exagilbert
fA - Femtoampere
fGi - Femtogilbert
GA - Gigaampere
GGi - Gigagilbert
Gi, Gb - Gilbert
hA - Hectoampere
hGi - Hectogilbert
J/Φₒ - Joule per magnetic flux quantum
J/Mx - Joule per maxwell
J/T m² - Joule per tesla square metre
J/Vs - Joule per volt second
J/Wb - Joule per weber
kA - Kiloampere
kGi - Kilogilbert
Φₒ/H - Magnetic flux quantum per henry
Mx/H - Maxwell per henry
MA - Megaampere
MGi - Megagilbert
µA - Microampere
µGi - Microgilbert
mA - Milliampere
mGi - Milligilbert
nA - Nanoampere
nGi - Nanogilbert
Oecm - Oersted centimetre
Oe ft - Oersted foot
Oe in - Oersted inch
Oem - Oersted metre
PA - Petaampere
PGi - Petagilbert
pA - Picoampere
pGi - Picogilbert
statA - Statampere
TA - Teraampere
TGi - Teragilbert
Wb/H - Weber per henry
Wb/Ωs - Weber per ohm second
yA - Yoctoampere
yGi - Yoctogilbert
YA - Yottaampere
YGi - Yottagilbert
zA - Zeptoampere
zGi - Zeptogilbert
ZA - Zettaampere
ZGi - Zettagilbert
to ...
abA - Abampere
A - Ampere
AT - Ampere turn
aA - Attoampere
aGi - Attogilbert
Bi - Biot
cA - Centiampere
cGi - Centigilbert
daA - Decaampere
daGi - Decagilbert
dA - Deciampere
dGi - Decigilbert
eV/Φₒ - Electronvolt per magnetic flux quantum
eV/Mx - Electronvolt per maxwell
EA - Exaampere
EGi - Exagilbert
fA - Femtoampere
fGi - Femtogilbert
GA - Gigaampere
GGi - Gigagilbert
Gi, Gb - Gilbert
hA - Hectoampere
hGi - Hectogilbert
J/Φₒ - Joule per magnetic flux quantum
J/Mx - Joule per maxwell
J/T m² - Joule per tesla square metre
J/Vs - Joule per volt second
J/Wb - Joule per weber
kA - Kiloampere
kGi - Kilogilbert
Φₒ/H - Magnetic flux quantum per henry
Mx/H - Maxwell per henry
MA - Megaampere
MGi - Megagilbert
µA - Microampere
µGi - Microgilbert
mA - Milliampere
mGi - Milligilbert
nA - Nanoampere
nGi - Nanogilbert
Oecm - Oersted centimetre
Oe ft - Oersted foot
Oe in - Oersted inch
Oem - Oersted metre
PA - Petaampere
PGi - Petagilbert
pA - Picoampere
pGi - Picogilbert
statA - Statampere
TA - Teraampere
TGi - Teragilbert
Wb/H - Weber per henry
Wb/Ωs - Weber per ohm second
yA - Yoctoampere
yGi - Yoctogilbert
YA - Yottaampere
YGi - Yottagilbert
zA - Zeptoampere
zGi - Zeptogilbert
ZA - Zettaampere
ZGi - Zettagilbert
© 2010 - 2025 Norbert Schneider